M. Juergen Wolf received his M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Chemnitz before starting out in his professional career as a technology supervisor in the microelectronic industry.
He joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM Berlin in 1994, where he has held a range of positions, including as Group & Project Manager in the field of wafer level packaging and system-in-package (SiP) and as Assistant to the Director.
From 2011 until 2022 he was in charge of Fraunhofer IZM-ASSID - “All Silicon System Integration Dresden”, with its 300 mm process line for 3D wafer-level system integration, and the Wafer-Level System Integration department.
M. Juergen Wolf leads a number of research projects on the national, European, and international level. He is a member of IEEE and SMTA and a longstanding member and European representative in several international packaging roadmap groups, e.g. the Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap (HIR) and its predecessor TWG Assembly & Packaging of the International Roadmap of Semiconductors (ITRS). In 2016, M. J. Wolf was also chosen to join the advisory board of 3D InCites.
He has authored and co-authored numerous scientific papers and reports on microelectronic packaging and 3D integration and holds a number of patents.
3D-Printing 5G 6G Al Cu bonding wires Antenna Artificial Intelligence Autonomous Driving Bioelectronics Bump Bonding Camera Chiplets Circular Design Circular Economy Cost Model Cybersecurity Data Centers Digital Twin e-textiles & smart textiles Eco-Design of Electronic Products Electronic Packaging Embedding Energy Harvesting European Green Deal Flip-Chip Grey-Box-Modeling Hackathon Hearables Heterogeneous Integration High Performance Computing ICT Implants Indoor Positioning Systems Industry 4.0 Intelligent Textiles Internet of Things Laser Welding LED Life Cycle Assessment of Electronics Location tracking Low Power Machine Learning Material Analysis Medicine Panel-Level Packaging Photonic Integration Power Electronics Quantum Technology Radar Reliability of Electronic Systems Science Communication Semiconductors Sensor Systems Smart Farming Sustainable electronics System-in-Package (SiP) System-on-Chip (SoC) Wafer Level Capping Wafer Level Packaging Wire bonding Wireless Communication