Reliability of Electronic Systems

Repair instead of discard: New test method for standardized assessment of electronic products lifetime

In recent years, the amount of electronic waste in the EU has risen sharply. Short product lifetimes and insufficient consumer information about the repairability of products contribute to the premature disposal of electronic equipment. The EU is trying to tackle…

Electrification in the fast lane: How silicon carbide is driving power electronics forward

The new generations of semiconductors with a wider band gap (WBG), such as silicon carbide (SiC), have the potential to put electric mobility in the fast lane. This is because they yield significantly higher efficiency compared to conventional silicon IGBT…

E-pills: A new approach to diagnosing and treating gastrointestinal conditions

The gastrointestinal tract is of great importance to our health and wellbeing, but many patients are wary about the endoscopic exams that they often associate with considerable discomfort. And indeed, in many cases, the current methods require general anesthesia and…

RealIZM: Our top-5 posts by female scientists at Fraunhofer IZM

Even today, women remain underrepresented in science and in research-driven industry. At Fraunhofer IZM, women account for 29.3 % of all employees, with a greater proportion of women in non-scientific (50 %) than in science jobs (23.8 %).* To counter…

Robust5G – How clever module design slows down the material aging of 5G components

Communication networks like 5G need the many modules and components that make them up to be robust and long-lasting, whatever the environmental conditions or other circumstances may be. Researchers at Fraunhofer IZM have now developed a testing method which allows…

The Weakest Link – Aging Lithium-Ion Batteries

In electronics, batteries are always the weakest link. Many factors can influence how rechargeable batteries age. Their capacity is affected not just by the number of charging cycles, but also by environmental factors like temperature or by the behaviour of…

How Long Will It Work? Testing the Reliability of Electronic Systems

When developing and bringing new products to market, knowing its lifetime can be essential. Manufacturers want their products to work for a specific period of time or number of uses, but things break and products fail. To know when and…

How to Test Electronic Products for the Real World? Design for Reliability

Tom Dobs is an expert for the reliability of electronic systems at Fraunhofer IZM. In the video, he introduces different methods for testing and optimizing products concerning their reliability. Vibration measurement and test with electronic components, if required in combination…

Eco-Reliability: The New Approach towards Sustainable and Reliable Electronics

Driven by the digital and ecological transition, the term “eco-reliability” has gained increased popularity within the last years. The main objective of this article is to present this new approach from its complementary perspectives “ecology and reliability” and to highlight…

IZM’s In, Dirt’s Out: How To Wash Your E-Textiles

E-Textiles have been under development for almost two decades, but still have not reached a wide market. One of the reasons is their deficient usability which leads to a low user acceptance. Especially for textile-integrated conductor tracks, which exhibit a…