Tapani Jokinen, Fraunhofer IZM

Tapani Jokinen

Tapani Jokinen is an internationally renowned strategic & circular design expert. His 25 years of extensive experience in design give him a unique insight into managing complex businesses, promoting sustainability-led innovation and developing sustainable products and services.

By integrating design thinking and lifecycle thinking, Tapani helps companies accelerate their transition from a linear to a circular economy.
Besides his work as a design consultant at Fraunhofer IZM, he is the founder of TJ-Design, a creative consulting firm that fuses strategic innovation and design with sustainability business practices. He was Head of the Design Portfolio and Strategy at Microsoft / Nokia, where he was one of the designers behind the iconic Nokia 3310.

Tapani is one of the authors of the Ecodesign Learning Factory program, a role that has led him to teach and conduct training modules, innovation workshops, and lectures on circular design in seminars and conferences.