Dr. Lutz Stobbe, Fraunhofer IZM

Dr. phil. Lutz Stobbe

Lutz Stobbe received his PhD in Japanese Studies from the Free University of Berlin and has been a researcher in the Environmental and Reliability Engineering Department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration since 2000.

He is currently a Senior Scientist and head of the Sustainable Networks and Computing group, where his research is focused on understanding the environmental, social, and commercial sustainability of information and communication systems. He develops multi-level inventory models for such assessments, which can also be used for developing ecodesign concepts.

As a project manager, he has been involved in six preliminary studies supporting the EU Eco-Design Directive, including ENER Lot 26 Network Standby and ENTR Lot 9 Enterprise Servers. He is also responsible for various studies on the electricity consumption of ICT in the EU (DG INFSO, 2008) and Germany (BMWi, 2009 and 2015). With its focus on green ICT, he led the accompanying research team of the IT2Green technology program (BMWi 2009 - 2014) and has been part of the IP45G research team on the 5G Industrial Internet and 5G Tactile Internet research programs (BMBF 2016-2020). He is currently modeling the energy and resource footprint of telecom and datacom networks in various projects, including PrimeEnergyIT, Öko-Cloud Computing, and UTAMO.