Erik Jung, Fraunhofer IZM

Erik Jung

With a background in “physics”, “physical chemistry” and “technology in medicine”, he joined Fraunhofer IZM in 1994. Heading the group Advanced Microsystem Assembly, he developed processes in flip chip and chip embedding technologies eventually expanding his research field into the MEMS/NEMS packaging and initiating the IZM´s MEMS research program at IZM in 2005.

Staying from 2007 to 2008 as a research delegate at the University of Utah he was involved in the packaging of a wireless brain computer interface, establishing the focus group on Medical Microsystems upon his return to the Fraunhofer IZM and was appointed as head of the business sector on medical technologies in 2009.

He is participating as a standing member in activities of DGBMT (DE) and iNEMI (USA) on meeting the miniaturization challenges for the medical industry. Until 2015 he was heading the IEEE-CPMT´s TC on Emerging Technologies as chair, serving now as co-chair to the chapter. Within the IMAPS, he is active in co-organizing german chapter events. In the industrial user interest group IVAM he has been founding member of the Wearable Electronics initiative (2014)

Since 2015, he has been appointed to IZM´s Business Development Team with a core expertise on Medical Microsystems.