Sigrid Rotzler, Fraunhofer IZM

Sigrid Rotzler

Sigrid Rotzler joined Fraunhofer IZM in 2018 for her master’s thesis on the influence of washing factors on textile-integrated conductor tracks. During her studies, she was part of the interdisciplinary research project Kooperation Wäschepflege, a joint effort of three Berlin Universities and the BSH Hausgeräte GmbH.

Following her graduation in Garment Technology from the University of Applied Sciences Berlin, she is pursuing a PhD in electrical engineering at the TU Berlin on the topic of design strategies for an improved washability for e-textiles.

Since 2020, she holds a position as a research fellow at the TU Berlin, working on e-textile developments as part of the System on Flex group at Fraunhofer IZM.