Dr.-Ing. Nils F. Nissen

Dr. Nils F. Nissen is Head of the Environmental & Reliability Engineering department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM. His work is focused on optimizing technological developments to ensure that they perform in a way that’s more environmentally friendly and more reliable. He also lectures on electronics and the environment at TU Berlin and is Technical Chairman of the international conference »Electronics Goes Green«.

Sustainable electronics made in Germany: The Green ICT Competence Center

RealIZM blog series »Green ICT« – Part 3 In 2022, the Research Fab Microelectronics Germany (FMD) set up the »Green ICT @ FMD« competence center as a central point of contact for companies, SMEs and start-ups concerning »sustainable electronics«. Fraunhofer…