
The RF & Smart Sensor Systems department at Fraunhofer IZM is involved in the development of micro-batteries for ultra-miniaturized medical applications and energy-autonomous sensors.

Fraunhofer IZM is focusing on ultra-small batteries that no one else can develop, except for us. Therefore, we are pushing the boundaries for extremely small lithium-ion batteries, with the tiniest battery coming in at only one square millimeter. These super-small batteries are used in tiny in-ear devices or, unexpectedly, on the backs of worker bees.

E-pills: A new approach to diagnosing and treating gastrointestinal conditions

The gastrointestinal tract is of great importance to our health and wellbeing, but many patients are wary about the endoscopic exams that they often associate with considerable discomfort. And indeed, in many cases, the current methods require general anesthesia and…

Sustainable mobile devices for the environment: Long live smartphones and tablets!

Mobility matters for people and their devices, but increasingly, so does sustainability. But smartphones, tablets, and the like generate considerable carbon emissions when they are produced and when they are used. In addition, valuable raw materials are used to make…

The Weakest Link – Aging Lithium-Ion Batteries

In electronics, batteries are always the weakest link. Many factors can influence how rechargeable batteries age. Their capacity is affected not just by the number of charging cycles, but also by environmental factors like temperature or by the behaviour of…

Rechargeable Bees? The Surprising Uses of Miniature Batteries

Fraunhofer IZM is pushing the boundaries for extremely small lithium-ion batteries, with the tiniest battery coming in at only one square millimetre. These super-small batteries are used in tiny in-ear devices or, unexpectedly, on the backs of worker bees. Robert…